Friday, January 25, 2013


So I've been using my ipad some more. It's awesome at my new gym because I quit New York Sports Club because I'm trying to save my money. The Sports Club was 90 a month. The new gym is 50 for 6 months! Yeah! Anyway, there are some missing perks, such as TVs on the backs of the machines. So the ipad comes in really handy. So I've been using it as my TV.

Here's something I find annoying: I've been reading my first ibook on it (Wonder) and I'm sometimes distracted by the reflections in the screen while reading in the subway or while at work in the break room. With a BOOK you don't get any of that! So that's one plus for paper. I'll be taking the ipad on vacation with me on Tuesday so I'll report back to say how that goes. I will say it's going to make packing SO much easier because I don't have to try to fit in a million books!

Another cool thing is that I just got a bunch of free ibooks that are in the public domain. One is very old and over 1,000 pages that I'm using for research for a new book. Very cool.

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